Just to be clear, during the majority of my career as an artist I have worked as an illustrator.
A few times some crazy soul has gotten the idea in their head to let me attempt concept art.
Newsflash, Im not great at it, I’m a bit of a bore tbf.
But still, here are some concepts I am actually happy with

Azteca Knights

My interpretation of how some of the ranks of the Aztec army could’ve looked if they had been allowed to progress to the steel/iron age
On the left, a Jaguar warrior, Cuāuhocēlōtl,
on the right, an Eagle warrior, Cuāuhtli

The Molerat crew

Before “Iron Vessel” there was these guys.
I still have a lot of lore, story, annd general worldbuilding made for them! perhaps sometime in the future.

Bloodborne weapon “fan concepts”

What can I say, I’m a sucker for that game and really enjoyed the transforming weapon system, I just wished tehre had been a couple more of them, so here! One can dream

CD Projekt Red stuff

The first werebear in the CDPR’s Gwent Witcher Universe.
I got to design him! If you have seen the Werebear transformations in The Witcher 3 you can understand why he is so f’d up.
The idea was that he got stuck mid transformation and is now a permanently creepy mofo.

Some Mooks, Leaders and alternative skins I worked onduring my time at Gwent


Games and other fan art


Magic: The Gathering Illustrations