Black Library Covers

Godeater’s Son

Cover for the aforementioned book! I designed the main character itself here
Heldanarr Fall, pretty dope book btw!
Done for Black Library

Steel Tread

This was my first work for Black Library
it was pretty fun, although a bit out of my comfort zone

Gwent Artworks

Some artworks from my brief but meaningful sting as an in-house Illustrator at CD Projekt Red,
A small game developer in Poland that you might have heard about.

The Redanian Free Company

A very fun painting to work on, all the references used were my fellow coworkers from the Gwent Team in CDPR back in 2017-2018! including yours truly.
And a very clear tribute to the painting “Reply of the Zaphorozian Cossacks”


I think this is the last illustration I finished at the end of my time in CDPR
I pulled a Caravaggio on this one and self referenced the bloody head.
I was feeling quite cheeky by doing that.

Queen Meve, Longsword

An illustration variant of the main character of the “Thronebreaker”
A CDPR game no one talks about anymore (or even back then lol)
regardless the game is awesome, and has so much cool artwork, I definitely recommend it!


Glad I got to paint one of the characters from the books!
And a member of the OG Geralt’s “Hanza” no less!

The Land of a Thousand Fables

How do you paint such a diverse and weird landscape that can only exist within a book?
Well, easy, you paint the book!
Quite happy with this one, and related to one of my favorite quests in all of gaming.

Tactical Advantage

A sort of catch up mechanism in the Gwent TCG by CD Project Red.
Meant to make the game fairer since someone has to go first.


Magic: The Gathering Illustrations